Monday, August 8, 2011

My Caroline is 3!

This weekend was a special one in our house. My sweet Caroline turned 3! For some reason three seems so "big" to me. It seems like just yesterday that she was born. I remember every detail about her birth. I remember all the milestones thus far like they were last week. I remember the day she first sat up and crawled, the first steps she ever took, her first words. How did she go from that little baby to this beautiful and wonderful big girl. I am thrilled that she is growing up to be such a smart, kind and beautiful person, but I would be lying if I didn't admit to being a little sad about her growing up. I want her to grow and blossom, but I don't want her to grow up too fast. I know that I will blink my eyes and she will be 16. I will blink again and she will be leaving for college. I will blink a few more times and she will be a mother. I am learning that life moves too fast when you have your own children. I want to savor every single second I have with mine.
I savored and soaked up every second of Caroline's birthday weekend. James and I did our best to make the entire weekend a full blown celebration. Friday night we took her to Frontier City. It was just Caroline, James and me and we had a great time. We rode the Ferris Wheel, the Tin Lizzies, the Tea Cups, and played on the play ground. I think I had just about as much fun as Caroline. It was nice to have some one-on-one time with her again. Saturday was her big birthday bash. She had a Little Mermiad themed pool party with all of her best friends and their parents. We ate pizza and cake, swam in the pool, and played with all of our friends. It was a very special night for our girl. Sunday was her actual birthday, so we let her snuggle in the bed with James and me when she woke up. Caroline and I got up and went for a mommy - daughter date at Krispy Kreme Donuts. When we came home from our breakfast she opened gifts. Her baby brother gave her the best present of all. He smiled for the very first time. What a special moment for our family! I will always cherish the fact that William decided to give Caroline his first smile for her birthday. Later we went out to a birthday lunch, went shopping at the Disney store, and then went out for a birthday dinner. After dinner we went on a family walk and to the playground. I enjoyed every moment of this weekend with my girl. It won't be long before she is too grown up for princess parties, family walks and the playground. I want to savor these moments when the family walk is the highlight of her day.
I thank God every day for entrusting me with my beautiful Caroline. She is the most amazing little girl. She is brave, funny, curious, loud, silly, creative, smart, passionate, loving, sneaky, entertaining, and so much more. She is everything I ever hoped and prayed for. Caroline -know that you are loved as big as the sky.

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