Monday, February 21, 2011

New Baby and Warm Play Days

The big news at our house these days is that Caroline is going to have a baby brother! I am about 5 months pregnant, and we just found out last week that the baby is a boy. James and I told Caroline that she was going to be a big sister earlier in the pregnancy, but the news seems to just now be sinking in. She is getting very excited about baby brother. One of my dear friends gave us this cute octopus as an "it's a boy" gift, and we went to the book store to pick out this big sister book for Caroline. She is very interested to know what her role as big sister will be. We can't wait to add to our sweet family.

The weather has been unusually warm this past week, so Caroline and I have taken advantage. We have played at the park or the zoo almost every day. Here are a few pictures and a video of our sweeet girl in action. We took advantage of the warm weather by planting our winter garden of spinach, edamame, and carrots. We will take a picture of our garden when the little sprouts pop out of the ground. Caroline loves growing her own garden, so I hope it does well. We can't wait for Spring to come and stay so we can have more of these great days outside.

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